

Our Accomplishments

Education: The practice of suspending kids for being truant declined again due to the diligence of the Education Committee.  Last school year, the number of out-ofschool suspensions dropped by 3,000.  The committee continues to meet regularly with Dr. Gene Harris to push for elimination of the practice.

Abandoned housing: The Franklin County Land Bank secured an additional $8.5 million in funding.  The Land Bank now has more than $11 million to tackle vacant housing. Hundreds of properties have been nominated for consideration.  To put a property on the list,  click here.  

Restorative justice: Intensive planning is underway among the stakeholders assembled by Lead Juvenile Court Judge Elizabeth Gill  to establish three community restorative justice circles to serve youth in Linden, the West side, and the South side.  The circles will be charged with overseeing the process of bringing together  the offender, the victim, and the community to determine appropriate actions to bring about restitution.

Other examples of what BREAD has done to achieve a greater degree of justice are:

  • Spearheaded a campaign with other allies to pass state legislation to lower the interest on payday loans at 28%.

  • Got the City of Columbus and Franklin County to form and fund the Affordable Housing Trust Fund in 2001. In 2007, the fund created more than 5oo units of affordable housing.

  • Pushed the Franklin County Prosecutor to create the KEY Truancy Reduction Progam which improved attendance for 200 students in six schools in the 2007-8 school year.

  • Pushed the Franklin County Treasurer to establish an active land bank to tackle vacant and abandoned housing. In 2012, the land bank had more than $11 million to tackle these structures.